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URGENT MESSAGE: PCC Administration Unwilling to Negotiate Safe Return Date


In recent days faculty and students have demonstrated their strong opposition to a “one size fits all” return to campus set for January 24, 2022. We heard many of your voices at Wednesday’s meeting about wanting to be given a choice about returning to campus to teach or continuing remote for a longer period of time.

Yesterday, we held a large, spirited and widely-covered public rally in front of the mirror pools, calling for a safe return to campus.  Thanks to all of the students, faculty and members of the public for your help in carrying out this strong display of unity.

At 8:30 am today the FA Board reconvened to discuss with the District the effects of a premature return to campus. The FA offered a phased-in return with some faculty remaining remote while others teach in person, but the District would not negotiate. After 7 hours it was clear the District was unwilling to negotiate their proposed return date of January 24, 2022. 

The bottom line: the FA is not willing to compromise faculty and student safety. In the end an agreement was not reached.  After speaking to our attorneys, the FA will file an unfair labor practice charge against the District.

It is our strong belief that for the health and safety of your students, yourselves, and your families, that you remain remote. Health officials have reported and presented data that current Omicron transmission rates may have plateaued and we are hopeful that we all can return to campus safely in February.

While the FA Board is disheartened and disappointed at the District’s unwillingness to be, as President Endrijonas always says, “Semper Gumby,” we know the faculty will do the right thing—to continue teaching and servicing st­udents safely.