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2024-2025 NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE – March 18, 2024

In the recently negotiated 2022-2025 faculty contract, the PCC Faculty Association (FA) and the Pasadena Area Community College District (“District”) agreed to a reopener of Article 12 (“Salary Schedules”) for the 2024-2025 year.  In other words, the two parties agreed to open negotiations on just Article 12 of the faculty contract for 2024-2025 while all other terms of the 2022-2025 contract would remain the same until the expiration of this contract in 2025.   

This past winter the FA Negotiations Team spent many hours preparing to negotiate the reopener.  We identified three major areas of Article 12 to address during this Negotiations:

  • Salary schedules,
  • Initial salary placement, and
  • Salary advancement.

We also identified specific language of Article 12 to address, conducted research on these areas, and submitted formal requests for information to the District.  

Then on March 13, 2024, the FA met with the District and submitted its initial Article 12 proposal.  The PCCFA began by sharing a detailed data presentation on faculty pay, highlighting the inequities especially in part-time pay in order to strengthen our argument for pay increases for all PCC faculty. The FA then summarized for the district the three main areas we’d be addressing in the Article 12 reopener, followed by a read-through of our proposed changes, including a fair pay increase for full-time faculty, a parity increase for part-time faculty, and elimination of the Adjunct Noncredit Salary Schedule which would place part-time faculty in the Non-Credit disciplines on the same salary schedule as their counterparts in the Credit disciplines. 

The ball is now in the District’s court.  We were disappointed that the District did not have a proposal prepared to give us at the meeting, but they now have the PCCFA’s Article 12 Reopener proposal.  We look forward to their response and to scheduling our next negotiations meeting in the next three weeks.  We will keep you updated.  

Thank you,

The FA Negotiations Team