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PCC Campus Ventilation-Filtration Spreadsheet

The Faculty Association (FA) is monitoring the impacts of the District’s decision to return to campus. The FA requested information regarding the ventilation in all classrooms, labs, and work spaces as well as the class schedule for each space (if applicable). All classrooms, labs, and work spaces should have a portable air cleaner (PAC) that is appropriate for the size of the room. 

The portable air cleaners provided by the District for each classroom, office, and work space are as follow:

Fellowes AeraMax® DX5 Air Purifier – 100-200 sq. ft.

Fellowes AeraMax Pro AM2 Air Purifier: 200-250 sq. ft.

Fellowes AeraMax Pro AM3 Air Purifier: 250-550 sq. ft

Fellowes AeraMax Pro AM4 Air Purifier: 550-1,100 sq. ft.

Additionally, most buildings have some level of air filtration installed. For buildings with filtration, there is a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) for the filter and/or pre-filter installed. Higher numbers are more efficient. In other words, a MERV 13 will remove smaller particles from the air than a MERV 8.

Using this information provided by the District, the FA has created a classroom ventilation spreadsheet (please see the link below). Use the tabs along the bottom to find your building(s). After selecting the building tab, at the top of the spreadsheet in Row 2, you will see the building’s MERV for the filter and/or pre-filter installed

Classrooms, labs, and offices are organized by floor and room number. Each room should have a portable air cleaner of the appropriate size in addition to the building filter. Additionally, the schedule of each classroom/lab is included along with the maximum number of students, class meeting dates and times, for each course respectively. 

For more information on what each column on the spreadsheet means, please see the image below (if you are having trouble seeing the image, click on the first tab of the spreadsheet titled “Column Guide.”):

PCC Campus Ventilation-Filtration Spreadsheet

If you have concerns or if your classroom, lab, or workspace is not listed, please email us at