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PCCFA Message to Faculty – January 25, 2022

As you know yesterday was filled with confusion, anxiety, and frustration due to the mandatory return to campus ruling made by the PCC Administration. While emotions run high, the priority remains health and safety- for you, for your loved ones, and for our PCC students. 

We recognize the challenges of remaining remote under the circumstances. We are encouraged by the many faculty continuing to teach remotely.  it is the right action given the Omicron transmissibility coupled with the ineptitude of the Administration in planning a return to campus.  Our message is: 

We want to teach SAFELY. 

Being told to cancel class, as some have, because you have no test results is ridiculous.  It is an insult to our professionalism and dedication to our students and the institution we work for. 

The FA is proud of the strength and resilience faculty are showing.  We are continuing to communicate with the District through our President.  

We are fielding questions as quickly as we can. We ask that you communicate with us through as employers may legally monitor all messages on their servers 

Keeping ourselves, our families and our students safe and healthy is a righteous fight. 

Stand strong and remember, even though you are remote, you are not alone. 

Fight on!