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New Member Corner

Faculty Association – Your First Call for Support!

Newer members to the FA are sometimes unsure of how they can take advantage of their membership in the FA. Know that the FA supports its constituents on campus in a variety of ways. The FA at PCC serves all faculty in the campus community and are available to discuss any concerns or issues that arise in the performance of a faculty member’s official duties. The FA does its best to monitor actions taken by the administration and the PCC Board of Trustees that may have an impact on the faculty, students, and the greater campus community. The FA also supports attendance of FA members at conferences and programs connected to faculty and teaching issues.

One example of support the FA offers is in the area of Faculty Evaluations. Faculty evaluations offer management and peers an opportunity to support faculty in growing their skills as teachers dedicated to an equitable and successful learning environment for students. The Evaluation process occurs once per year in your first four years of service and usually involves teaching observations by a peer in your discipline, a VP Designee selected by the Vice President’s office, and your Dean. Occasionally you can request an additional observation or other materials to be included in your annual teaching evaluations. These observations also include a summary report of your student evaluations and may include other information about your service to your department and the campus community.

For all full-time and adjunct faculty, after the completion of the observation by members of your evaluation team, you will have a review of the final document with your Dean. This document goes into your permanent file in the office of Human Resources, so itÕs important to address any issues or concerns that come up during your process. The stated goal of these observations is to receive feedback and constructive critique to help you continue to grow and learn as a professional at the college. If you receive an “unsatisfactory” on any area of your evaluation, consider contacting an FA delegate to go over your observation report with you to ensure that the process has been equitable and fair and that it has followed the procedures outlined in your contract. Keep track of all emails and document any other conversations related to your evaluation process. You will be given an opportunity to write a response to your formal evaluation, so don’t be afraid to speak up and seek support from the FA if you feel you’ve received an unfair evaluation.

We are here to support all full time and part time faculty members, because an equitable learning environment for our students is dependent upon a respectful and equitable working environment for faculty!