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FROM YOUR FA PRESIDENT: It is time to come together!

FROM YOUR FA PRESIDENT: It is time to come together!

With last Wednesday’s PERB ruling that the recent election violated the PERB regulations, PERB rejected CFT’S attempt to take over our campus.  PERB has ruled that CFT did not meet the minimum requirements to hold a decertification election and have dismissed the election.  This ruling was something that the Faculty Association fully expected, as the methods of CFT’s attempt to decertify was underhanded and deceptive.

It is clear that the only issue important to CFT is their ability to collect exorbitant dues from PCC faculty without providing any value or service to us – the faculty members. Throughout this process CFT has not been forthcoming with its tactics or its intentions.  Remember that the Faculty Association is your union. We are here to serve faculty and we do a very good job. 

As our union members move through the spring semester, there are many issues that need to be worked through.  We are still in negotiations for a successor contract; we have the PERB winter decision to sort out; our campus is facing an administrative crisis with many administrators moving on or stepping down. We do not need distractions from an outside corporate force attempting to swoop in and take over what we have worked so hard to build over the past decade. It is time to show CFT the door and tell CFT to build their coffers from some other place. Let us all collectively stand up and tell CFT that we are not interested in what they have to say.  We fight for our faculty here, at home, with everything we’ve got.

The Faculty Association has served the campus well. Though everything is not perfect, none of the imperfections will be remedied by going with a nationwide union where our needs come last.  The FA  was built by our faculty to represent the needs of our members. Instead of trying to divide our faculty, remember that we are much stronger when we work tougher. Let’s channel our collective force into making our association stronger!

CFT may try this again because they  have nothing to lose and lots to gain. But what will the faculty here at PCC  lose in such a process? It is time come together as a union force. We continue to have a huge impact on our campus and in our community! We can continue to do so with the solidarity of all of our voices together.  If you are approached by CFT representatives, tell them you a re not interested. Don’t be fooled by their slick, overpriced “bigger is better “rhetoric.

Thank you for standing up for YOUR Faculty Association! Don’t be hesitant to call out CFT for their tactics. Sooner or later  they will get the message that t-shirts and over-processed posters don’t make a union.

It’s the people – us – working together that makes all the difference.

Your Union, Your Vote! Stay with the FA! We are stronger together!

To read PERB’s decision, please click on this link.