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FA Endorses Propositions 15 & 16

The elections are upon us, and voter turnout will likely be heavy because the national races will be so contested. California has two ballot propositions that will affect our educational lives for years to come.

Vote for Proposition 15:

Also known as “The California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020,” Prop. 15 would amend the California Constitution to tax commercial and industrial properties, except those zoned as commercial agriculture, based on market value. If passed, this measure is estimated to generate between $8 billion and $12.5 billion in revenue per year with much of that funding going to schools and community colleges. 

Prop 15 would effectively reverse the infamous Prop 13 (1978) which led to severe tax cuts that undermined California’s public educational funding for decades.  Not surprisingly, already massive advertising, sponsored by major corporate interests, has bombarded media with false claims.  If passed, Prop 15 would not increase taxes for homeowners. The scare tactics promoted by commercial real estate interests should be rejected. Vote for Prop 15!

Vote for Proposition 16

Proposition 16 would repeal Proposition 209, (1996) which banned affirmative action in California. Passage of this initiative would allow colleges and public employers to consider race, gender, ethnicity, and nationality in their admittance and hiring practices.

California is one of only nine states that bans affirmative action as a tool to fight discrimination. Proposition 16 is our chance to change that by ending the ban and expanding opportunity for all.

Proposition 16 is a tool to begin dismantling structural racism and sexism.

Latinos make up over half of our state’s public school students but just 25 percent of University of California undergraduate students.

Women in California earn less than 80 cents for every dollar white men make – and for women of color and single moms it’s even worse. It’s unfair, and it hurts families and our economy. Proposition 16 offers a path to fair treatment for all.

In states that allow affirmative action, women and people of color compete on equal footing for jobs, promotions, and contracts. Without affirmative action, small businesses in California owned by women and people of color lose out to bigger, wealthier companies for government contracts. Proposition 16 will give women and people of color a fair shot to succeed. Vote for Proposition 16!