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BRAC Committee Notes

FA representatives Mark Whitworth and Mary-Erin Crook attended the March 26th District Budget Resource Allocation Committee (BRAC) meeting via Zoom. Much of the information was not very encouraging. Here are some of the more worrisome aspects:

There is a likelihood that the Corona virus impact may seriously drain California’s “Rainy Day Fund.”

State agencies are being told that “The impact on revenues could be immediate, affecting the 2019-20 fiscal year, and will certainly produce impacts for the upcoming 2020-21 fiscal year and beyond.” Meaning, funding that we thought PCC would receive may change for 2019-20, and what was budgeted for 2020-21 could be substantially impacted.

The Governor’s “May Revise” of the budget will be substantial in terms of its full funding of state agencies.

The tax collection deadline has been extended to July, yet the budget has a June deadline.
State agencies are instructed to submit budgets that include normal fundingÑwith and without Cost of Living Adjustments. Additionally, they are being asked for budgets that would reflect possible 5%, 10% and 15% cuts. Yikes! There could be an extended freeze on revenues.

Schools will be asking for relief from the Chancellor’s Student Funding Formula and through hold-harmless provisions, (meaning there will not be a loss of revenue due to the new funding formula.)

These budget developments could have a considerable impact on PCC’s funding, both for this year and moving forward. Reduced funding for the school could lead to fewer class offerings, potentially impacting faculty employment opportunities. This also has a direct impact on budget items such projects, equipment, and services at the school. We will keep you updated. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

But: PCC’s plans for the replacement of the U-Building are moving forward.