URGENT: Testing Protocol Violations at PCC
Dear PCC Faculty,
Under the terms of the Spring 2022 Return MOU and preceding MOUs, ALL faculty have the right to enforce COVID-19 protocols in their area.
This morning we have already received several reports of egregious violations of the testing protocols.
CHECK VACCINATION status: Fully vaccinated is 2 shots. District has not agreed to boosters, or exempt.
CHECK COVID TEST results: The FA recommends strongly that you do this if you are not teaching remotely.
You have the right to remove the student from the classroom or work area if they are not vaccinated or exempt and cannot provide evidence of a negative test result in the last week.
We understand that this is not an effective use of your time and skills, or campus resources. However, the District has consistently refused to develop protocols or assign personnel to the duties.
Due to poor planning of the return and lax or no enforcement of protocols, the FA strongly recommends remote instruction.
Let’s keep PCC SAFE for everyone.