OCTOBER 3, 2023 Since July of 2022, the Pasadena City College Faculty Association (PCCFA), an independent union and member of the California Community College Independents
The PCC Faculty Association (PCCFA) is an independent association not affiliated with corporate collective bargaining organizations like the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), California Teachers
Dear Faculty: During the last round of Negotiations, the Faculty Association negotiated a 6% pay increase for 2022-2023 and another 6% pay increase for 2023-2024.
Please pay attention to the enrollment deadlines, application process, and guidelines published on the HR website: https://pasadena.edu/hr/benefits/adjunctbenefits.php The following health care benefits information applies to
PAID PARENTAL LEAVE Please be aware that the law treats “[d]isabilities associated with pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. . .as any other temporary disability.”
Dear Faculty: The PCC Faculty Association would be honored to continue representing all PCC faculty. We would appreciate your support and vote in the upcoming
Dear Faculty: We want to provide an update regarding the Winter PERB case. As we previously communicated to you, PERB ordered the following: The District
All faculty accrue Sick Leave based on their paid service to the College (Article 6.6 of the CBA). Such sick leave can be used in
Recently, you should have received in your email the “Notice to Employees Posted by Order of the Public Employment Relations Board” from the College (linked