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PCCFA: A History of Achievements

  • Informed and experienced leadership whose sole goal is to fight for equitable working conditions, a fair contract, and protect the rights of faculty!
  • Local, informed, and expert negotiations and contract enforcement.
  • 24/7 expert grievance representation with dedicated faculty that know the local politics and administrators to get the best result for our full time and part time faculty.
  • Transparent and democratic Executive Board elections open to Full Time and Part Time faculty.
  • A designated Full-Time and designated Part-Time Executive Board position.
  • Regular meetings with divisions and departments on campus.
  • Union solidarity across California with other California community college independent unions.
  • Low dues in Fall and Spring semesters only, with all dues money going to directly support faculty needs at Pasadena City College.
  • Strong, on-site representation during the grievance process.
  • Comparably low dues that stay with our organization to fund our faculty needs.
  • A legal fund that supports faculty and organization needs and local-issues advocacy.
  • Intimate knowledge of local labor issues for strong representation in contract negotiations.
  • Fair and transparent elections with non-board-member witness to election results.
  • In the last 9 years the FA has successfully negotiated a cumulative pay increase of over 29% for Part Time Faculty.
  • In the last 9 years the FA has successfully negotiated a pay increase of approximately 25% for full time faculty.
  • Successfully litigated PERB case reinstating (2015) the return of Winter Intersession with approximately $1.5 Million dollar settlement for faculty.
  • Maintained full health care benefits for full time faculty.
  • Successfully negotiated Article 18 (Part Time Rehire Rights) into the contract.
  • Successfully negotiated for Part Timer Paid Office Hours.
  • Successfully endorsed four (4) Board of Trustees candidates who won their respective elections.
  • COVID Pay & COVID Safety Gains.
  • Successfully negotiated a pay increase of over 29% for Part Time faculty over the last 9 years.
  • Proposed and successfully negotiated new protections for part-timers in Article 18 which affirms Part-Timer rehire rights through the priority rehire list.
  • Proposed and successfully negotiated paid office hours for part time faculty.
  • Compensation for ancillary work (SLO Assessment Coordinator, Curriculum Development and C&I revisions).
  • Our union provides immediate access to on-site grievance representation
  • Our grievance officers are PCC faculty who know this campus – we are familiar with PCC Deans and administrators, have experience navigating the College’s specific departments and resources, and we know the PCC faculty contract inside and out
  • We provide support to faculty facing issues that are not strictly contractual in nature but that are distressing nonetheless.
  • Successfully negotiated:
    • Paid DE Training during COVID
    • Stipend for COVID Vaccine and Booster for all faculty
    • Compensation for Weekly COVID Testing for all faculty
    • Masking policies, safe and sanitized work stations, and PPE
    • 50% Cap room capacity for working spaces
    • Remote office hours and meetings
    • Compensation for conversion due to work-load increase for all faculty
    • Required social distancing for non-instructional faculty work spaces
    • Compensated Self-paced I and II training for Distance Education during COVID
  • Increased percentage for Distance Education instruction opportunities.
  • Online office hours.
  • Negotiated Self-Evaluation Rubric Process for Distance Education evaluation during remote transition.
  • Faculty support for navigating the DE Certification equivalency process.
  • Stipends for campus-wide DE Coaches.
  • Successfully negotiated paid DE Certification Training for all faculty.
  • 6% pay increase for 2022-2023 and another 6% pay increase for the current 2023-2024 year.
  • One-time payment of $3000 for full time faculty and $1500 per semester for part-time faculty for the 2022-23 year.
  • 80% of office hours online for Full-Time and 100% of office hours online for Part-Time regardless of the teaching modality.
  • Part-Time Health Care Benefits Opportunity for PT faculty assigned 40% of a Full Time load with the district covering 80% of the cost.
  • PT Faculty eligibility for a composite Dental and Vision plan.
  • Additional 8 steps to the PT Non-Credit Faculty Pay Schedule.
  • Increase in paid office hours for PT Faculty.