What’s happening NOW – June 2013
Fact Finding Hearing from last week (May 30, 2013)
Thank you to all for coming to the Fact Finding hearing. It was a packed house at what could have been ruled an open meeting if the District had agreed. Before the meeting started, the Fact Finder ruled in favor of the District, to send out:
- 35+ faculty and staff
- the press
- any and all recording devices
- the court stenographer
Which means that there is no record or transcript of the proceedings. Where is the transparency?
COME TO THE Cap n Gown AT 4PM TOMORROW, Wed. June 5 to debrief. (Then stay for the Board of Trustees meeting.)
The Pasadena Star still covered the story: http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/news/ci_23365789/mediator-holds-hearing-at-pcc-over-union-impasse

Visit the Negotiations page for a timeline of negotiations as well as information about Fact Finding.
Board of Trustees Meeting – this WED. June 5, 2013
AFTER THE FA Fact Finding debriefing: Stay for the Board of Trustees meeting, fill out a public comment card, and speak.
Agenda: http://www.pasadena.edu/meetdocs/board_17404_A.pdf
Board Packet: http://www.pasadena.edu/meetdocs/board_17404_C.pdf
- Adoption of Prop 30 monies in the amount of $16 MIllion – (Pages 24-25)
- 2013-2014 Tentative Budget (Pages 26-44)
- Approval additions and deletions of credit and non-credit courses (Pages 45-54)
- $25,000 to Titan Group, Inc. for “investigation services on as-needed basis” (Page 71)
- $81,000 plus travel expenses to Clarius Corporation for “branding research and community benchmark survey.” (Page 71)
- $25,000 to Norman A. Traub and Associates for “investigation services” (Page 72)
- New interim deans (Pages 126-127)
- Vice-President Dwaye Cable, officially resigns (Page 127)
Adjunct faculty
Did you know: as of Spring 2013 PCC has 817 part time and only 370 full-time faculty, 67% more part-time than full-time at PCC.
- PCC is out of compliance with AB 1725, which states only 25% of the faculty on campus should be part-time.
AB 1725 [(Vasconcellos) of 1987)] added Education Code Section 87482.6, which states, in part:
“. . . the Legislature wishes to recognize and make efforts to address longstanding policy of the board of governors that at least 75 percent of the hours of credit instruction in the California Community Colleges, as a system, should be taught by full-time instructors.”
AB 1725 also added the following intent language (expressing legislative policy, with no force in law):
If the community colleges are to respond creatively to the challenges of the coming decades, they must have a strong and stable core of full-time faculty with long-term commitments to their colleges. There is proper concern about the effect of an over reliance upon part-time faculty, particularly in the core transfer curricula.
Decisions regarding the appropriateness of part-time faculty should be made on the basis of academic and program needs, however, and not for financial savings. The Legislature’s concern about abuses in this regard led to the establishment of the current statutory cap on part-time employment.
Read the entire bill here.