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Sample Language Faculty Can Use With Students and Area Deans

Here is some sample language faculty can use in the following situations:

Messaging students:

I am continuing to work remotely because LA County is in the midst of the largest COVID-19 surge to date.  I do not want to endanger my health and safety, or that of my family and students. Be assured that I will conduct our class meeting and office hours remotely as we have been doing for the past two weeks. The faculty has made the safe and community-minded decision to remain remote during this period of high transmission.

Messaging/Responding to Deans

I am working remotely.  I do not want to endanger my health and safety, my families and my students.  I will perform all the duties of my job remotely as I have been for the last two weeks.

Not having received test results

According to PCC’s Spring 2022 protocols as outlined in Alex Boeklehide’s 1/19/22 email, testing results should be emailed to faculty within 15-20 minutes.  However, I took a COVID rapid test on 1/__/22 at ____ AM/PM at the PCC testing site, but still have not received my test results.  

Per the PCC COVID testing protocols, I cannot enter the campus beyond the testing center without a negative test result.  I am unwilling to endanger the health of others by breaking COVID protocols.  I will continue to do my job and hold my classes/provide service to my students by performing my job duties on Zoom.

Please note:

Should your Dean respond by calling you rather than by responding to your email in writing, be sure to follow up with an email: 

Thank you for your call earlier today to let me know that I should (Dean’s response here)________________________.