New Member Form
Join the Faculty Association!
When you join the Faculty Association you will be joining an organization dedicated to ensuring equitable working conditions for all faculty at Pasadena City College! We do this to facilitate student success and equity for all of our community members at PCC.
We are a diverse and inclusive organization representing all faculty on matters of wages, benefits, and working conditions in contract negotiations. We ensure that the contract is executed as ratified. To be a voting member of the Faculty Association, a faculty member must submit a Membership Form to the Faculty Association (FA) and pay dues at 1% for Fall and Spring semesters to help support the FA’s efforts on behalf of faculty at PCC. We are made up of a wide variety of disciplines, and together our strength comes from this inclusiveness.
If you would like us to send you a paper membership form, please call our office at (626) 585-7261 or email us at