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Faculty Demonstration at PCC TODAY!!

Dear Faculty:

Our recent survey indicates that the majority of you would like to extend the period of remote instruction despite any desire to be back in the face-to-face classroom otherwise.  However, to date, the District has not signed the FA’s proposal to extend the period of remote instruction for face-to-face classes until February 12th.  

In response, we are calling on all concerned faculty to demonstrate in protest tomorrow and to pressure the District to take the safer route of extending remote instruction.  Please come for as long as you can.  We will be masked and socially-distanced.

Remember, we are stronger together!  LET’S MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD!


DATE: Thursday, January 20, 2022

TIME: 12:15 – 12:45 PM PST

LOCATION:  PCC Main Campus, Mirror Pools

PLEASE BRING:  Your masks and signs

In the meantime, you may express your concerns regarding the District’s decision by communicating with the Board of Trustees.  To express your concerns regarding the 1/24/22 return date, please email your trustees.  Please also encourage any concerned students in your classes to do the same.

Email addresses of BOT members:,