On December 12, 2012 the PCC Board of Trustees was given 16 bound copies of the results of the Academic Senate’s Faculty Survey about the
Ever wonder what exactly the policies are at PCC? From Brown Act Meetings to Collective Bargaining to Academic Freedom to Faculty Hiring… http://www.pasadena.edu/ipro/policies/
Read the full announcement from CalSTRS. If you have questions about purchasing ‘air time’ or service credit, please contact CalSTRS or get more information here.
Feast your eyes on the draft of Proposed Use of Prop 30 Funds regarding expending $6.7M Prop. 30 funds. This was presented at the BRAC committee
Ring in the new year and a new era of faculty solidarity. Stay tuned for forthcoming information about the picket and rally to take place
Check out page 3 of this 2011-2012 comparative salary study, which shows that PCC ranks frightfully lower than Santa Monica, Riverside, El Camino and Mount
Shared Governance at PCC President Rocha’s concept PCC Academic Senate’s concept President Rocha explained to Board members that he communicates and consults with college leaders
Jan-May 2013 General Meetings General meeting – Circadian – January 17, 2013 FA General Meeting Notes_Jan_17_2013 General meeting – Circadian – February 21, 2013 Handout
FA Newsletters: Spring 2013 Newsletter (ONLINE EDITION) includes summary of Spring 2013 – faculty standing up!, Sticking points and District’s Last, Best and Final Offer, Statement
Not sure your issue is a grievance? Contact us; we’ll let you know. Current Grievances (as of Spring 2013) two senior faculty members who were