1. All faculty members are expected to use the results of the assessment of learning outcomes to inform and improve teaching and learning in accordance
Hoyt Hilsman Candidate for Area 4 hoyth75@gmail.com 1. Please tell us about your background and explain why you want to be a PCC Trustee.
James A. Osterling Candidate for Area 2 jimosterling@sbcglobal.net 1. Please tell us about your background and explain why you want to be a PCC Trustee. a.
William Thomson Incumbent for District Area 4 billthomson940@earthlink.net 1. Please tell us about your background and explain why you want to be a PCC Trustee.
ALL CANDIDATES FOR PCC BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONFIRMED TO APPEAR AT FORUM The six candidates running for two positions on the Pasadena Community College District
PRESS RELEASE Pasadena City College Faculty Association September 22, 2015 The Pasadena City College Faculty Association invites the Pasadena community to a Board of Trustees
After nearly 20 months of legal struggle, on July 30, 2015 the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) substantiated the PCCFA’s assertion that the college had
After a lengthy arbitration process concerning Large Group Instruction in the Social Sciences, Arbitrator Fredric R. Dichter issued a largely favorable decision for the PCCFA.
The Faculty Association welcomes all PCC’s part time (adjunct) faculty back for the Fall. Important changes have taken place since a year ago: PCC has