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KNOW YOUR CONTRACT:  The Evaluation Process for Tenure-Track Faculty 

Full-time, tenure-track faculty and temporary faculty are considered contract or probationary employees according to the Ed Code and follow a specific evaluation process.  According to the Collective Bargaining Agreement (aka faculty contract), tenure track faculty are typically evaluated once a year during the probationary period, but the Dean or appropriate Vice President can opt for additional evaluations.  

The Evaluation Team consists of 

  • The Vice President or designee, 
  • A tenured peer member, and
  • The manager who most closely supervises the employee.

This manager also serves as the Team chairperson and selects the peer evaluator.  Each individual on the Evaluation Team observes the  tenure-track faculty member in the performance of his/her principal assignment.  Furthermore, any evaluators of instruction in DE classes must be DE-certified.

Components of the tenure-track evaluation process:

  • Observation of faculty in the performance of their principal assignment.  Evaluators must complete the appropriate Evaluation Worksheet (Classroom, DE, Counseling, or Library).  Evaluated faculty will be given an opportunity to review the Evaluation Worksheet and sign it acknowledging receipt.  
  • Professional Responsibilities and Characteristics (members of the evaluation team may provide comments on the faculty’s carrying out of professional responsibilities;
  • Student evaluations (administered online by the College between Weeks 3 and 11); 
  • The Self-Evaluation Report (to be completed by the faculty member by Week 12); 
  • The Dean’s Worksheet to be completed by the supervising administrator/dean and reviewed together with the evaluated faculty at the summary evaluation conference


  • By Week 14:  Each evaluator must complete the observation and provide the faculty member with a copy of the Evaluation Worksheet.

Satisfactory Evaluations   

  • Before the conclusion of the Fall semester (Week 16):  The Chairperson holds a Summary Evaluation Conference during which the Dean’s Worksheet is reviewed and signed by the faculty member.
  • Before February 20th:  The Evaluation Team chairperson must complete the Summary Evaluation Report and submit it along with other evaluation materials to the appropriate Vice President.  
  • Before March 15th:
    • The appropriate Vice President reviews, signs, and returns the Summary Evaluation Report to the Team chairperson
    • The Team chairperson reviews the Summary Evaluation Report and supporting materials with the tenure-track faculty member.
  • A copy of the Summary Evaluation Report and supporting documents will be placed in the faculty member ‘s personnel file in Human Resources.

Needs Improvement Evaluations

  • The Chairperson convenes a meeting of the Evaluation Team, who then reviews the Summary Evaluation Report. 
  • The faculty member may write and attach an addendum to the Report. 
  • By Friday of the third week of February:  A copy of the Summary Evaluation Report, supporting documents  and addendum shall be sent to the immediate administrator, the appropriate Vice President and to the Office of Human Resources. 
  • The appropriate Vice President and Team chairperson develops a Needs Improvement plan “designed to improve the identified weaknesses.” 
  • The faculty member is given a copy of the Needs Improvement plan. 
  • The Evaluation Team chairperson, appropriate Vice President, and Human Resources also receive copies.

Mikage Kuroki, Ph.D.

Vice President and Grievance Officer, Faculty Association