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Understanding the Tenure Process

The tenure process can be a nerve-wracking for new full-time PCC faculty, and for good reason–untenured or “tenure-track” faculty are considered “probationary,” and this probationary period typically lasts for 4 years. During this time, tenure-track faculty are evaluated based on their performance in their primary duties each academic year, detailed in the Faculty Contract. Tenure-track faculty are subject to a specific evaluation process that differs to some degree from tenured faculty. (Look for an article on the evaluation process for tenure-track faculty in the PCCFA’s September newsletter).

The Tenure Track 4-Year Timeline:

  • Then, during the second year, the College decides whether to enter into a two-year contract, taking the tenure-track Faculty member into their fourth year.
  • During the first year, the College decides whether to offer another one-year contract to a tenure-track faculty member.
  • Finally, during the tenure-track faculty member’s fourth year, the College decides whether or not to award tenure to the faculty member, or to release the faculty member from the college.

If the College decides not to rehire a tenure-track faculty member at the end of any contract, the College must give such notice by March 15th of the year preceding the expiration of the faculty member’s current contract. If the College fails to give the tenure-track faculty member notice of its intent not to renew their contract by March 15th of the first or second year, the faculty member’s contract will be automatically renewed. In the event that the College fails to give notice not to rehire by March 15th of the fourth year, the faculty member will automatically be awarded tenure at the end of the fourth year.

Any challenges to tenure decisions are subject to the grievance procedures outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement or CBA (aka the “faculty contract”). For more details about the tenure process, please see Education Code Sections 87608-87611 and Article 8 of the CBA.

If you have any questions about the tenure process, please reach out to