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2025-2028 NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE – February 18, 2025

2025-2028 NEGOTIATIONSUPDATE – February 18, 2025

As previously shared with you, the PCC Faculty Association began the process of negotiating a 2025-2028 successor agreement (aka the “faculty contract”) last spring.  Since then, we have met with the District several times to negotiate. 

Before winter break, the PCCFA met with the District on December 13, 2024.  During this meeting, the PCCFA submitted counter-proposals for the following:

  • Article 2: District and Association Rights
  • Article 10: Faculty Division Chairs

The PCCFA rejected the District’s proposal to make the New Faculty Seminar mandatory (Article 2).  With respect to Division Chairs, we tentatively agreed to the use of a secure online voting platform for Chair elections but rejected the District’s proposal to mandate Division Chair meetings and to increase mandatory professional development from 4-6 hours to 10-12 hours (Article 10).

The District also presented counter-proposals on the following articles:

  • Article 13: Distance Education
  • Article 15: Part-Time Faculty Reemployment Rights

Specifically, the District rejected the PCCFA’s proposal that full-time non-instructional faculty have the ability to work 80% of their load remotely, on par with their full-time, teaching colleagues.  The District also proposed recertification for faculty who teach online (Article 13) and that a letter of resignation would prompt the removal of the faculty member from the Priority List (Article 15). 

The PCCFA tentatively agreed to the District’s Article 15 proposal. We also agreed to their earlier proposal regarding Article 14 (Reassigned Time) clarifying the selection process for grant-based reassigned time positions that name particular faculty members in the grant.   

Most recently, the PCCFA met with the District on February 12, 2025.  During this meeting, the PCCFA presented the following counter-proposals:

  • Article 6:  Sick Leave and Health Examinations 
  • Article 13:  Distance Education.  

With respect to Article 13, the PCCFA pushed again for the ability of full-time, non-instructional faculty to work 80% of their load remotely, on par with their full-time, teaching colleagues.  We also rejected the District’s proposal to subject faculty to mandatory Distance Education recertification as most faculty have already been keeping current with online teaching pedagogy and practices without such a requirement.  Additionally, we tentatively agreed to  improved bereavement leave terms and 1:1 banked leave (Article 6).  At the same time, we pushed for 100% salary for semester-length sabbaticals and paid parental leave beyond that which is already required by law. 

The District also responded to our Article 5 proposal, countering with terms related to the professional responsibilities, stipends, and Large Group Instruction (LGIs).  We are still awaiting their response to the PCCFA’s Retirement Incentive.

Please note that the parties have not agreed to any contract terms yet.  We are in the process of scheduling future negotiations meetings with the District.  Please know that we will continue to work toward strengthening contractual rights and working conditions for all faculty.   We welcome your questions.  Please contact us at

Thank you,

The FA Negotiations Team


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